Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Unexplained Relation

People have changed…..their priorities have changed. The definition of “relation” has been transformed. It has been a revolutionary shift. I have always known relations as that of love, care, genuineness, trust, dependence- they were real and authentic. Relations were not “made”, they just happened. They were never conditional. Today, these are mere words. Relations today are set-up considering factors which never mattered- wealth, status, position, power!!!! The significance of relations have degraded or rather been lost.
It surely is disheartening, but there is water in the desert- not a mirage but real water. There are some relations which ensue with time. They have no appellation and you cannot describe them, but they exist. These relations are pure and untainted. The mere words mentioned above come to life. It is magical. It feels wonderful to know that there is this one person who genuinely care and not just pretend. You are someone special for somebody and there is someone special for you in your life. You can share anything and everything with each other. No pretentions….no hidden facts…..just yourself as you are. This relation gives meaning to your life and it becomes the priority over all other relations, which just remain names.
It is astounding to know that something which has a title and can be described has no significance and something which is a mystery is meaningful in true and complete sense of the word. It feels great to have one such unexplained relation to whom you can call without looking at the watch……send flowers without waiting for a special occasion…..ask without hesitation……say without thinking……be just YOU.
An unexplained relation gives a soul to genuineness….a heartbeat to trust…..a breath to love and a life to you. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Why is divorce seen as a negative subject? It is one of the most effective adhesive for a splintered married life. Marriages happen, but they do not carry a promise tag of being successful. What is failure of a marriage- it is simply that two people are not getting along well together? What is the big deal? Two colleagues may not get along well, two cousins may not get along well….. So what if two people who are married do not get along well. Why is it a matter of gargantuan concern – WHY??  Why do families or society see it as an ignominy?

Living with someone you cannot live with and making your life an ordeal is completely insane. The wisest decision that can be taken then is to separate and live a sound life. It is more so important if you have kids. The effect of a disturbed marriage on a child is far more excruciating than the effect of a divorce. If a split-up happens, the child will then atleast live with one sane person rather than living with two insane beings.

There is nothing one will attain being part of a distressed marriage. Your reality of life will be unpleasant and people’s belief on your veracity will be false. You will get nothing but despondency and the effect of the same will definitely be misery in every aspect of your life. Your discontentment will be demonstrated in your behavior, even if you choose not to and it will affect the environment around you in a negative way. Communicate with your spouse if something is bothering you, there will either be a solution or conclusion. In either of the situations, your misery will come to an end. Whatever it is, don’t be diffident in taking that step.

You live your life the way you choose to. You have the power and authority to lead your life your way because your life is your treasure; it belongs to you and no one else. Any reason for choosing dejection has certainly to be illogical and if you find any sense in your reason, then you are fooling yourself. Do not waste your precious years living in misery lest you regret later when the time is gone. Explore the radiance of life – it is delightful.